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Instalamos una planta fotovoltaica en una de nuestras fincas con el fin de reducir el consumo de energía eléctrica
Agrícola Perichán está firmemente comprometidos con el futuro del planeta. Por ello, nuestra compañía está implementando prácticas agrícolas sostenibles que minimizan el impacto ambiental y optimiza el uso de recursos. En esa línea de compromiso con el medio ambiente, Agrícola Perichán ha instalado una estación fotovoltaica en una de sus

The Spanish Association Against Cancer opens new headquarters in Mazarrón, a space provided by our company
The Spanish Association Against Cancer inaugurated last Friday its new headquarters in Mazarrón. Located in Fuenterrabía Street, its opening allows the center to recover its activities in the locality, since it was currently without space in which to work and attend to both patients and their families. More than 100

Perichán´s new website
“Perichán takes a step into the future with its new, more modern and functional website. The leading agricultural company has decided to revamp its online presence to offer its customers an even more satisfying and up-to-date experience. With an innovative design and improved navigation, Perichán’s new website reflects the company’s